Profit and Loss Dashboard

Track profit margin, revenue and expense details, and customer growth.

Profit and loss dashboard - Smart Dashboard

This Freshbooks dashboard outlines a company’s revenue and expense details, along with their customer growth. This data is critical for any CEO, CIO, or other executive leader. With this dashboard, viewers can answer the following questions:

  • Firstly, what are our revenue and expense numbers? How do they compare to last month?
  • Secondly, what is our profit margin?
  • Next, what is the breakdown of our expenses?
  • Finally, are we expanding our customer base?

Review Revenue and Expenses

Firstly, the profit margin and outstanding revenue card widgets at the top of the dashboard provide a quick view of two key metrics. Then, with the “Expenses” and “Revenue” card widgets, viewers can see how this month’s numbers compare to last month.

Also, the “Top 5 Expenses” bar graph provides a helpful breakdown of costs by category.

Finally, this Freshbooks dashboard’s map widget reveals the countries where the company’s largest customers are located. This could help them develop targeted marketing campaigns and design products that will appeal to their base.

Track Trends Over Time 

Further, with the “Customer Growth,” “Revenue,” and “Income and Expenses” line graphs that track data over the past six months, viewers can see trends that may develop over time. This data is critical as it helps leaders ensure the company is on track to meet its annual goals.

This profit and loss dashboard provides an easy visual reference for reviewing complex—and constantly changing—sets of financial data. With this information, leaders can quickly review critical financial metrics and assess the company’s long-term health.

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